Homemade Grill Cleaner Recipe

Have you ever thought about what kind of grill cleaner is best for you and your grill? If you’ve ever attended or hosted a BBQ, you know how important it is to have a grill. However, having a grill means you have to keep the grill grates clean and free from grease and food buildup.

Would you like to use a natural DIY grill cleaner to enhance the flavor of your food and lower the likelihood of bacteria? Have you considered giving up commercial products in favor of making a more effective homemade grill cleaner?

Some of the recipes listed below call for ingredients like baking soda, white vinegar, dish soap, olive oil, soapy water, and aluminum foil. Making homemade cleaners for your barbecue grill is relatively simple, especially if you have the right ingredients.

Making your own grill cleaner will not only save you money over time, but it will also protect both you and your grill from chemicals found in store-bought cleaners. tb1234 Table Of Contents

How To Naturally SUPER CLEAN your BBQ Grill -Jonny DIY

Homemade Grill Degreaser 🔗

Remove grease from your grill and leave behind a fresh scent!


  • 8-ounce wide-mouth jar
  • 8 ounces baking soda
  • 2 ounces water
  • 3 teaspoons of lemon juice
  • Stirrer
  • Gloves
  • Scrubber
  • Paper towels


  1. Combine the baking soda, water, and lemon juice in the jar.
  2. Put on the gloves and spread the paste with your hands over greasy grill surfaces.
  3. Let the mixture sit for half an hour or so.
  4. Scrub the grill.
  5. Rinse with water and wipe dry with paper towels.


What household items can you use to clean a grill?

Distilled White Vinegar To use white vinegar on your grill, combine equal parts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle, then spray the mixture on while making sure to thoroughly cover the grates. After 10 minutes, the vinegar will begin to break down grease and grime.

What dissolves grill grease?

Baking soda and water, vinegar and water, ammonia, dish soap and water, and dish soap and baking soda are some common household items that can be used to clean a grill.

How do I get my grill grates shiny again?

If your grill is extremely dirty and has caked-on, stubborn grease or grime that won’t come off right away, soaking the grates in baking soda and white vinegar overnight can save you the time and effort of scrubbing.

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